Our aim in working with our clients is to simplify the process of dealing with corrosion related deterioration to their specific structures and assets.
Key to this is understanding the corrosion mechanisms, survey techniques, repair and monitoring solutions that we identify and implement on their projects.
This page provides resources for our clients in the form of Guidance and more detailed Technical Notes to aid their understanding of the many topics whether they be owners, operators, developers, engineers or consultants.
Guidance for Owners and Operators
- An Introduction to Regent Street Disease & Cathodic Protection;
This note provides high level guidance for anyone who is interested in Regent Street Disease [Deansgate Disorder] and its treatment using cathodic protection.
- Monitoring of Cathodic Protection Systems for Reinforced Concrete & Historic Buildings;
Recommendations for the monitoring of CP systems applied to historic steel framed buildings and reinforced concrete structures.
Survey and Investigation
- Visual Survey and Assessment – Guidance Note;
- Half-cell Potential Survey – Technical Note;
- Corrosion Rate Measurement – Technical Note;
- Material Sampling and Testing – Guidance Note;
- Close Interval Potential Survey [CIPS] for Buried Pipelines – Technical Note;
- Direct Current Voltage Gradient [DCVG] for Buried Pipelines – Technical Note;